Monday, April 13, 2009

This past week

A Week of Fun

Tuesday we went and hung out with Shanda and Madison. Wednesday we went to the Zoo with Lid and Brianna . The kids had a blast . Ethan had fun seeing all the animals. .

Thursday me and Ethan just hung out at home and cleaned house and my brother came to visit tell satuday.
Friday we went to town with my brother and went to eat at Taco bell and to Walmart and Hastings . Had a great time then came home and watched movies .

Saturday we went to Fort Sill Big Easter hunt.

Here is a pic where we went in the house of smoke . It teached you how to get out of a burning smokey house .. it was kids size i crawled ethan walked he liked it and got a fire hat.

Here is Ethan on a John Deere TractorEthan and his Daddy on the Tractor

We got there at around 12:30 and found out they didnt have the hunt tell 2:30 and Ethan was getting tired so we did are own hunt at home.Sunday we went over to our cousins Sharlenas for Easter.
Ate lots of food visited and kids hunted easter eggs.
I have a few pics mom took most will post soon.

Happy Easter Everyone !!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

This past weeks fun!!

Wendsday - We went to a fun Pajama party over at Lindsey's with Shanda and Madison then we went and hung out with Shanda and Madison and went and took some really cute pics of the kids Easter pics .

Easter Pictures done by Shanda

Thursday we hung out at home and relaxed !!! And Friday we went to a Easter Party with Shanda and Madison at Melissa's house !!

Saturday we went to Nations of Fun with Amanda and Kylee and meet Shanda and Karl and Madison there. Kylee and Ethan and Madison dancing on the Dance Dance Revolution
Ethan on the Carosel
Me and Ethan and Shanda and Madison going down the slides.
Then we went to the park for a few then to Shandas house then home.

Then Sunday we just hung out at home and relaxed ...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Fun in the Spring

Spring is here....

Monday the start of a new fun week. Monday I took Ethan outside he had a blast riding his new car and helping mommy water the plants . Well he helped water some plants and watered himself while he was at it . Then we came in cooled off cause it was hot outside and watched Tigger and Pooh. Here is some pics of Ethan having fun outdoors. He had a really great time outdoors and so did I.

Ethan decided he got hungry!
.This tree dont taste very good!!
This is fun watering the bush!
Im helping Mommy water the rose bush!
Im riding my new car ! Wow thats alot of water in there
Its sure hot out here!
Now its time to put the hose up im helping mom!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Playdates and more fun things to come this week!

Playdates and Fun Days in Spring

Sunday we took Ethan over to Amanda's and Kylees for a play date ! While we where there he got to meet Charli his new little friend . They all ate Pizza for lunch and then played outside on slide gym and the playhouse. And rode 4 wheelers and drew on the concrete with chalk. and played in the house . Ethan had a really great time and is looking forward to more playdates.

Ethan and Daddy at Amandas and Kylees
Kylee says"Hey Ethan want your drink!
Vroom Vroom lets go cruzing!!!

Ethan posing for the camera Kylee says" Im gonna eat this all by myself!
Kylee says" Im fixen to go down the slide on my own Charli looking cute!!
Ethan having fun!
Ethan & Kylee on the play gym

Mrs. Kylee being a cutie !!

Ethan in Kylees Clubhouse

Ethan and Charli in the clubhouse together

Then Lid and Brianna came over and brought Ethan some neat toys that we appriciate alot .
A Ridy Horse Brianna gave him that she had got from Germany!!

A laugh and Learn entry house!!
A fun riding toy with handle to push
A basketball football and baseball toy that scores points.

So Ethan had a great day and got some really neat stuff also ..Then after we got home a little while after he played with his new toys took a nap ate Spaghetti and cheesecake for dinner and dessert and then rested . He is looking forward to the week to come all the playdates he gets to go to with Shanda and Maddie and Mommy!!